Episode 5: North By Northwest
I love snappy writing. Quick back-and-forths are just my jam, what can I say? The real reason that I watch almost every show and movie with subtitles is so that I can latch on every little note that some screenwriter pored over. As a wannabe screenwriter myself, I get inspired when I see witty repartee and I think that it’s maybe even more prevalent in movies like SOME LIKE IT HOT and NORTH BY NORTHWEST than in many that come out these days (remember when movies came out? Remember theaters? Ah never mind). I guess my point is what these movies lack in special effects and modern-day technology that makes every single moment feel like you’re experiencing what the characters are (Mission Impossible 4 skyscraper scene I’m looking at you), it more than makes up for in dialogue that drives the action and a life that flows from the characters through the words they speak. So even if I’m not the biggest fan in the world of the content of these movies and enjoy poking holes in plots, the respect I have for the entire process is on a whole other level, and it starts with the scripts.