Episode 10: Rashomon


There’s a weird, almost scary thing, that I’ve come to feel when I dive into watching these all-time legitimate film classics for the first time. I go in almost too open-minded, extremely ready to be wowed by whatever work of supposed genius I’m about to witness. And then it’s just such a bummer when it doesn’t work for me. Don’t get me wrong (and I think I’ve been clear through the episode) I don’t dislike Rashomon or consider it bad in any way. It just didn’t land, for lack of a better word. The first time I got through it, I felt like, well, just that. That I got through it. As I do, I ventured online and read up on what makes it a masterclass in filmmaking, especially for 1950, and all the intricate details that Kurosawa used to tell a deep, meaningful story about the troubling way in which humans lie to make themselves look and feel better. A second watch revealed many of those things and I’m certainly glad the movie exists and inspires and that I was able to experience it and then discuss it. But man, I really wanted to love it. And maybe that’s why I’m somewhat bummed by the lack of effect it had on me and why I, in a bizarre twist of events, actually dislike ME in the moment instead of Rashomon. WHY DIDN’T I LOVE THIS MOVIE? But then I remember it’s ok and there’s a zillion more classics waiting for me to dive into and get those same butterflies as I press play. So press play I will.



Episode 11: The Master


Episode 9: All The President’s Men